Discover Czech CamouflageSystems

Camouflage systems and personal protection means for the armed forces and emergency services.

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banner-Discover Czech  CamouflageSystems
Individual protection Body armour & camouflage

Discover Czech CamouflageSystems

Camouflage nets and systems and inflatable decoys for armed land forces.

banner-Discover Czech  CamouflageSystems
Land Forces Protection Camouflage nets, inflatable decoys
About company

Experienced in defence
industry market

The Czech Camouflage Systems (CCS) company, being a part of the Czechoslovak Group (CSG), is providing highest quality equipment for individual and collective passive protection.

With the help of its carefully selected partners and suppliers CCS offers products to, among others, the Czech and Slovak markets. Due to the products' widespread use and their standards, the products meet expectations in any area, regardless of the geographical location and weather conditions. The company is always ready to meet the requirements of even the most demanding clients in all locations.

  • personal protection
  • camouflage
  • inflattable decoys
  • tents and shelters
  • techncial textiles
  • tools for emergency rescue
banner-Individual Protection

Individual Protection

Individual camouflage suits provide ideal protection against detection in various outdoor terrain conditions. Innovative material solutions enable protection against detection in all the most important detection bands: UV, VIS, NIR and TIR, and at the same time guarantee comfort of use.

banner-Tents & Shelters

Tents & Shelters

Lightweight, quick to assemble, for a wide range of temperatures and weather conditions, our tents fulfill the highest requirement standards for military use. The offer spans classic frame tents, inflatable/pneumatic tents and sophisticated equipment shelters .

banner-Equipment for Vehicles

Equipment for Vehicles

Mobile Camouflage is designed to reduce the likelihood of detection by reducing vehicle signatures. When detected, Multispectral Mobile Camouflage confuses sensors and identification algorithms by distorting the shape of the vehicle and making it difficult to detect key identification points. This results in a significant increase in survivability and a reduction in the loss of resources on the modern battlefield.

banner-Signature Managment

Signature Managment

Various types of camouflage accessories to modify electromagnetic signature of military assets to reduce the likelihood of detection. Our program includes life-like 1:1 inflatable decoys and imitations.

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